Why Blog?

Why Blog?  Why not?  Blogging is certainly one of the biggest buzz words on the internet today.  You can create a blog that is personal, educational, corporate or any other number of possible reasons. Perhaps you may be looking at building your blog and make it your full-time ‘job’.

I blog, because it gives me an outlet.  As a homeschooling Mom of a child on the Autism spectrum I don’t work outside the home.  It’s nice to have something, outside of my family, that is ‘mine’.  A place that I can go and unwind, grab a cup of tea, and just take some ‘Mom’ time. For me, it also serves as a way to connect with others.  On the social media end of things, I have met some wonderful people through Facebook and enjoy having discussions with some of my fellow bloggers as well.

I’m not a professional writer, but I enjoy sharing our experiences, whether it be for entertainment, awareness or general education on the end of my readers.

If you have a blog…why do you blog?

a mom blog community

4 thoughts on “Why Blog?

  1. Jen, it is great to read your reasons. I have a very dear friend, who blogs for the same reasons. She is the one who got me into blogging to begin with. 🙂 Stopping by from The Blog Dare.

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